15 June 2014

Business Transformation; What is the key to success?

“Business Transformation” is happening everywhere at the moment – every CFO, CEO, COO and CHRO talks about it – it’s almost a natural element of business these days. Even though many senior leaders talk about it and practice still a large part of the transformations fail to succeed.

Rather then focusing on the root cause of failure let me shine my light on some potential key enablers for success. Key drivers for success of any transformation comes down to 1. Technology as enabler of change not a goal as such, 2. Making more relevant data easily accessible and available but don’t overkill! 3. Keeping change simple, have a clear focus and prioritize  and stay aligned to company values, 4. People, People and People – have key talent who understand change is ongoing is key. 5. Leaders who are able to change the lead and communicate all the time.

When discussing this topic with some of the HREC network colleagues they also did build on this; as my fellow colleague Patrick Hebblewaith mentioned;  to borrow from William Bridges ... he talks about four Ps: purpose, picture, plan and part to play ... that is have a clear and appropriate purpose ( be intellectually convincing); then paint the picture so employees can see what the outcome is going to look and feel like (more the hearts and minds piece); then create and share the plan for the transition (not the physical activity, but the person-oriented transition i.e. training, comms etc); then explain the "part to play" i.e. help employees to see and understand their roles in the new reality. 

However as we all know the reality of leading change is much more difficult then just following the do’s and don’t of leading change and so  hence why our next webinar will be focused all around this topic. For that webinar we will be joined by our partners CEB as well as a guest speaker - a COO at a large FMCG company. Details on the date and time of the webinar will follow soon - in the meantime please share your views on what makes a Business Transformation really succeed?
Looking forward to the dialogue and insights.


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