14 September 2014

HREC Webinar on Business Transformation with COO Thomas Praming great success!

On September 5 HR Executives Connected and CEB hosted another great webinar - this time on the topic of Business Transformation.

We were honoured to have Thomas Praming, COO at Aujan - Coca - Cola, co hosting us on the webinar through which we were able to bridge the fantastic research insights from CEB with practical on the ground experience from Thomas. This did lead to a lively dialogue between the HREC members on the webinar which centred around the themes of situational leadership, how to ensure you have the right leaders on board and when to change - when it's obvious or less obvious.

So as you can see if you were not on the call you certainly missed a riche dialogue and some great research insights on this very relevant theme. However as the main intent of HR Executives Connected is to share knowledge and relevant insights on leading HR research we're pleased to share the slides of the webinar with you. Copy/Paste the link below in your browser and you will have direct access to the presented slides.

http://img.en25.com/Web/CEB/CEB %26 HREC_Business Transformation_05Sept.pdf

If you're interested in a follow up conversation feel free to contact me directly.

Looking forward to having you on the next webinar again - more details on the next event will follow shortly.

Kind regards
On behalf of the Advisory Board

Stendert Krommendam
Founder HR Executives Connected


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